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PSE’s Flex Batteries Enhanced Incentives make battery energy storage systems more accessible by offsetting the upfront equipment and installation costs. And because this lower purchase and install cost is paired with enrollment rewards (and even more rewards for participation) through PSE’s Flex Batteries program, you can save money at the time of installation and earn over the life of your system.

You may be eligible to receive up to $10,000 in enhanced incentives towards the upfront cost of your battery in addition to $1,000 per battery for enrolling in Flex Batteries, plus up to $500 per year!

Enhanced incentives are available to residential electric customers with an eligible battery system connected to PSE's grid that meet the requirements of either Pathway A or Pathway B.

Find out if you qualify below.

  • How do I qualify? Pathway A

    Residential electric customers might qualify for enhanced incentives through Pathway A for reasons including limited income, lack of access to food and health care, the language you speak, disability, or other factors.

    What am I eligible for? You may be eligible for up to $10,000 in enhanced incentives or 100% of eligible equipment and installation costs covered, in addition to incentives through Flex Batteries.

    How do I qualify for enhanced incentives?
    You may qualify for Pathway A in a number of ways including

    Use this form to find out if your income qualifies you for enhanced incentives

  • How do I qualify? Pathway B

    Residential electric customers experiencing reliability concerns and living on a specific area of PSE’s grid may be eligible for enhanced equipment and installation incentives through Pathway B.

    What am I eligible for? You may be eligible for up to $5,000 in enhanced incentives or 100% coverage of eligible equipment and installation costs, in addition to incentives through Flex Batteries.

    How do I qualify for enhanced incentives? Contact us at to see if you qualify and to learn more about the enhanced incentives available to you.

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Enhanced Incentives FAQs

Community Engagement Report

PSE strives to empower historically disenfranchised customers in the clean energy transition by providing the opportunity to co-design the next iteration of our customer programs. We are building procedural equity into our work and creating space for collaboration between customers and utilities to create inclusive, accessible clean energy programs and resources. From September 2022 through May 2023, PSE conducted community engagement on future distributed energy resource (DER) programs, including batteries, solar installations, and demand response (DR) programs. We listened in focus groups, workshops, and surveys to better understand the benefits and barriers customers may face when it comes to DER products to ensure future program design can alleviate these barriers and maximize the desired benefits.

Ask an Energy Advisor

Have questions about PSE’s Flex Batteries program and how to get started? Energy Advisors are here to help.

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Want to install a battery?

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